pindan, wild born parents , mum kimberly girl dad pilbara boy (we are so told )pindan is now 10 months old , magnificient handsome boy (neutered) large boy with all four paws firmly gripping every day , his interests are destroying furniture, climbing on furniture, running amoke, eating all and everything he has an insatiable appetite , he is funny and is aware of his humour , determined and wilful, disobedient as dingoes are , they are not designed to be obedient , he is a force to recon with , loves life , loves walks , every thing is his way or no way , he digs and he can climb, he is non aggressive but strong headed , he is not polite and is dominant when greeting dogs , so not a good idea , no self respecting dog will tolerate Pindans idea of fun .not cat friendly, way to boisterous for children , demands respect, resents the word
‘no ‘ he would be a great companion.
Pindan requires a kind hand and understanding extremely patient tolerant human , due to his wild born heritage , dingo knowledge is absolutely paramount . no weak hearted , no fearful or control obsessive human . mutual respect, give and ye shall recieve , request against demand.
no harsh words no voice raised, non aggressive sensitive calm person is required .Pindan likes his name he will acknowledge ,Pini he smiles Pindan he frowns , recons he is in strife when full name is used .
he is clever he can turn on hot plates and oven knobs he can open any cupboard and draw, he opens fire places.
he loves coffee and tea he has to have his weetbix, oops he has to have bananas major weakness is bananas . apples are a close second , dont bother hiding any thing he will find it .
you cant be materialistic , no lounge no chair no table is Pindan proof .
he is highly intelligent and one will question who is superior, umm he is, just ask him .
hows that for a spin on a request for a dingo perfect home . all true and much more , life is guaranteed to be non stop stress and excitment you will want to spit chips while laughing hysterically .you may have a heart attack, but what a way to go.