We have just returned from a 4k walk (pindan and I) not far but not bad, me with one arm and he bursting with energy. He is very good and very much in sync with me , stops if in front and waits or comes back and puts his head on my knees , funny kids are dingoes .Pindan arrived here late on a Friday night in late April ,flown down from remote area having been surrendered to pound , he was somewhat unsure somewhat lean and had sores all down his spine ,one would think he had been dragged. Pindan was just all over the place, no name ,no sense of security and seriously no idea on interaction .once here he was immediately vet checked sterilized ,vaccinated, microchip. Today he answers to his name , he is in a routine has security and is understood , we thought we could find a home ,who would not want this handsome boy ? But alas he is sterilized, no financial gain to be had , and too he is from wild born parents, a force to recon with , a large problem is once here ( or in a home of security and understanding plus respect ) they dig their paws in and already Pindan has become selective with who he permits near him ,
Even to think of re home he wraps himself around the door frame ( not going not going , he says ) one would think being one of one with the right people would be more appealing in preference to being one of 17 , don’t care ,he says . He fits in, happy in a routine of rotation , wanting to interact yet unaware of how to when greeting dogs, or dingo , he wants to play with Mirrhi and Arena, they gang up on him and he becomes cross and unsure , but he too has a dominant personality , so we let Mirrhi and pindan play , but pindan gets over exuberant and this now makes Mirrhi defensive ,so we are slowly teaching him ( lol ) to be gentle , not going to happen any time soon .Pindan is very clever , when the girls are out racing around he does so want to join in but as stated it turns volatile, but all good , he is in his crate so he bounces the crate around the house chasing them , not good for wooden floors but he laughs all around the house ,they can’t hurt him and he can’t hurt them .he loves running in the exercise yard , still not dingo proof , as yet he has shown no interest in jumping or climbing the fence , he did get truly upset late yesterday , the neighbours had loud music going, he went from happily running around to melt down anxiety ,remained unsettled for many hours later ,doesn’t take a great deal to turn a confident dingo into a quivering mess.