I do get a bit cross with these kids ( dingoes) those inside sometimes test the most tolerant and patient of any saint ( being myself ) so our Pindan whilst an amazing loveable kid ,funny and with a crazy sense of humour , he does push me to distraction, well the combination of him Mirrhi ,Arana ,burra and feral not to forget bonnie oh and the old girl all who reside in house , but Pini as he likes to be called , is by far the delinquent. Today as with most days the vocabulary in this house consists of , no , no , get down , don’t do that , ya can’t chew that , don’t open the cupboard , get off the sink ,get out of the sink , leave the pantry door closed stop ,trying to kill the cat , don’t climb that cupboard , oh for gods sake will ya listen to me ? All day every day , today I did my block and yelled at Pindan ( he knows he’s in strife when called by full name . Ears lay to the side , gets a forlorn look on his face , and I’m pointing my finger at him , shaking my finger in front of his nose telling him enough is enough and while I shake my finger his head is going up and down in time he then grabs my finger and starts sucking on it , looking cross eyed at me , thinking in his sweet dingo head that this is a great game ,oh there you go absolutely no point in telling them “no”it’s dingo way or no way and ya can’t change the dingo in the dingo . So he gets a hug and goes about climbing and jumping teasing the girls ,grabbing the cats paw under the door , demanding weetbix, demolishing 3 litres of milk left on cupboard swimming in the water dish and me running around with a mop and bucket still yelling Noooo . Of course if you would like to give our pini a good home and you have the patience and tolerance of a saint , he really is a love bear ( oops dingo ) young and really a good boy ( umm well he is if you understand dingo behaviour ) but you can’t growl at him cos he gets hurt feelings and you have to hug him lots , he loves his hugs . Don’t point your finger cos that’s to suck on .