Thankfully there was a break in the inclement weather , all have had a good run
Burra and Apani including myself returned dripping having been caught in a downpour .
Those two actually laugh whilst racing around in the rain
Maliki is the funniest girl , nearly a year to encourage her to trust .
She totally ignores her name ,but ..
“Good girl ” appears to interest her ,this is my mantra
” good girl , such a good girl ”
She now relates this to being her name .
“Good girl” now comes , see she is such a good girl ( makes me laugh )
Still a reclusive wee girl but slowly over coming her inherited timidness .
Merring has always been a mums boy , he has no hesitation in coming ( yep the “good boy mantra”works for him as well .
Still they refuse any other.
Not sure that will change ,just something to keep working on ,trust issues .
Thankfully the stream is running just a great time of the year ,gives a feeling of cleansing , new energy .
They all love that stream , so far I have not slipped and landed in the stream ( although I should not speak to soon ) to amusement of dingo on the end of the lead .