Hi I’m karulundi .
I’m nearly 8 years old .
I was in the pound ( 7 months old) and then I went to the good people at the refuge
I then I came to my mum
My mum tried to get me a home ,but no one wanted me.
Mum says its cos I lost my girly things an can’t have pups .
But I doesnt care cos I have my mum .
Mum says I’m a bit over weight , but no one is allowed to call me fat cos it makes mum cross.
Makes mum laugh cos dem idiots says we all mal..um wats that word mum?
“malnutrition, sweety ”
“Wats that mean?” ,”oh, that means, not fed , not receiving good diet ”
And they recon we all neglect- ted
We luvs our mum
Mum laughs and we have a good howl.