This boy wandered in yesterday
Blind in one eye and missing his left claw
He obviously has been around and managed for some time , I didn’t feel comfortable in just relocating him .
They mate for life and this is no doubt his territory.
Just to be sure I took him to Kristy ( Amadale reptile )
Where he can be assessed .
Certainly he has had a rough and tumble life , all though he appeared quite healthy to me , I am no expert on reptiles .
Funnily I had put him in a basket with a cover over him on the table
I returned a short time later to find him missing , he had climbed out of the basket and how he managed to get off the table I have no idea ,
However I was then missing one Bob tail goanna , big panic searching under lounge and cupboards , I could hear my guitar rattling , seriously praying he had not managed to get inside .
All good he was hiding behind .
I did become concerned , dingoes running through out one part of the house reptiles cat and Bonnie in the other .
However I have no doubt he is in the hands of amazing experts now .
A huge thanks to Kristy .