Balan and Daku spent the day out side today .
Rotating daily ,between Burra and Apani one day and the boys the next .
Hopefully this will prepare them for the transition for when we build their pens .
Burra is the most placid boy.
In his near 6 years here, never have I heard a growl or seen aggression .
Since he has become the mentor for Apani he is apparently taking his new found parental roll very seriously.
He moves her aside when she gets over exerburant with Bonnie , when she bites Bonnie he nips her .
Apani attempted to steal Burra’s dinner , in a flash he rolled her swearing profusely in her face .
The next day Miss Apani ,finished her dinner raced around to Burra .
Burra didn’t move he stood stock still, slowly raised his head glared at her , she stopped dead in her tracks tucked her tail and very quietly moved away .
“Wow” I thought how easy was that ?
My point being, parental discipline is a crucial factor .
In the life of our dingo .
Hense when the parents are killed we have the juveniles.
The juveniles then form groups of uncontrolled, uneducated, undisciplined delinquents.
As with all wild life they must be taught wild lore, knowledge is survival discipline keeps them safe
Education is paramount for their survival ,manners and respect for the elders is crucial
Keeping clear of humans
Is one lesson not taught when parents are gone .
In saying that, it is no different to an elder ( indigenous folk ) handing down knowledge and history to the next generation
The adult dingoes hold the ancient knowledge and history , without the older adults the young generation are floundering, with out skills with out fear
Like teenage gangs surrounded by temptations, they have little fear due to the need to form alliances with other orphaned pups they have not had the discipline required. unfortunately inbreeding over breeding ,particually around mine sites where food can be in abundance is ultimately assisting in the untimely deaths as nature takes her toll.
Over breeding , insufficient food to sustain this now unprecedented breeding resulting in cannibalism.
Hense most concentrate on eradicating the adult dingo making the process of elimination of pups running in large groups easier to control .