When there was 5 and the thundering of 20 paws racing around , climbing cupboards , pulling clothes from hangers, climbing up a stool to be sitting on the dressing table, swinging off curtains, crawling into a small slightly opened draw , whilst i search in a panic for one lost dingo
3 hourly feeding, going to bed at 10 pm to be up feeding at 1am and again at 4 am
Giving my bedroom over to my five special waifs ,
On Saturday the 3rd of August we said goodby to two of our much loved babies , content in the knowledge they will be loved cared for and protected .
Thank you Machalle Cartner .
Thank you Mary and all involved who assisted with, and organizing the safe arrival of our special cargo to Machalle, truly appreciated.
Never is there a dull moment when rearing wild dingo pups
Having been fortunate to have raised many before , there now remains a moment in time when one realises they may all be gone .
Sad unnecessary circumstances resulting in the result of these babes being orphans .
We are also priviledged to have had these pups entrusted to us at CROSSROADS the out come may well have been less kind , destroyed ,mishandled, handed to others who without doubt would have attempted to use for breeding or finacial gain , sold to uneducated people, unprepared for the trials of living with a wild born dingo , so different to domestic bred, yet they too are proving difficult for the unprepared .
As those at Crossroads are proof of the difficulties and inabilities of people unable to manage .
At home our pups were in a remote area being the pilbara , a large desolate land no stock no harm, yet with total hatred the dingo is decimated .
For over 200 plus years this hatred has thrived it is unkind and deadly , as with any malignant cancer the hatred spreads its disease , handed down from generation to generation .
No cure for this such desease it feeds on hatred and ignorance .
But yet as bad is the domestic breeding , with pounds and rescues over encumbered with hybrid dingo crosses, and dingoes.
These are our Native Dog as once refered to
Yet they recieve no grace no protection no respect .
Killed on sight in the wild and bred like dogs in captivity
Untill such ignorance is over come by education , to protect our wild . untill people stop breeding crossbreeding for the domestic market .
If our wild dingo is not protected in their wild terrain
I truly fear I for one may not have the priviledge of seeing our wild dingo in his natural habitat.
Domestic breeding is reducing any possibility of protection for our wild dingo .the domestic bred dingo is not a replacement for our wild pure dingo.
the domestic dingo now more dog , now made dependant now subdued and so removed from his wild spirit .
Surely protection of our wild pure dingo has precedent over back yard breeding of hybrid dogs sold as dingoes or dingoes no longer dingoes due to inbreeding and questionable breeding techniques.
Our dingo needs protection ,
They must be protected in remote areas ,
Free and safe ensuring the continuance of his species that being our dingo .
We hope these 5 pups are not some of the last of his species .