We attended kenwick veterinary clinic again today
We sincerely thank Sue and staff, patience understanding always there to help
The pups did not arrive here in the best of health , having been fed cat pellets and cows milk , in fairness that may well have been all that was available
But in true fairness they should still be in there natural habitat with their mum and dad ,
There is no reason, nothing justifiable in the killing ,shooting, traping ,poisoning of these unique animals in remote areas , there is no stock in those areas, no threat to man or beast , these 5 ( once 6 ) have been brutally removed from their place of origin .
And for what reason ? Purely to eradicate the dingo , politics , red neck attitudes, ignorance, arrogance and an unfounded hatred .
Those employed as animal control , justify their actions (no more no less than a blood trade )the use of 1080, the killing of a dingo the killings of hundreds of dingoes , how and why ? , feral cats , and other ,
Or the once again propaganda of the dingo being introduced,
let the dingo sort out the issues , leave him be in out back remote areas , leave him be !
These babies should not be here ,
And not in back yards , not in houses to please the whims of those who want to have a unique
Exotic animal .
However the problems with these kids based perhaps on and due to stress , loss of mum,needing comfort and security.
the babies have been suckling on each other ( penis ) needless to say each penis is sore swollen and inflamed
We are having a hell of a time to stop this , with myself not getting to much sleep
However temperatures are normal, each is able to urinate , we have been banging our heads attempting to find ways to discourage this painful but understandable behaviour
No matter how much and how many ideas we come up with, it takes them all of a minute to rip pull tear any covering we use , from nappies to socks from socks to bandages.
Other than all the trials , they seriously have there dingo traits characteristics and personalities well and truly ingrained
They fight like there’s no tomorrow ,get real cross when I separate them , pick on the weaker ones , growl at me when I lead them away from mischief, growl and short, push your hand away when they don’t want interaction
Very seriously it is clearly noticed who the strong and the weak are who would survive in the wild