Give me a pat on the back and tell me how damn good I am , and I will say ” yep I know ” not because I think I’m bloody so cool but because I am good at what I do , mind you there’s not much I’m good at but I know dingoes.
I have been so stressed worrying about my pilbara boy , his nose so sore so red so really damaged , he just keeps fighting sticking his head through the gate , the section where you put your hand , and I’ve been trying to figure out how the hell do I stop this , he hates Lobo, he hates Ceasar, he hates karulundi ,well hell he hates them all so , he just keeps on keeping on .
Pilbara is our boy from the pilbara a handsome specimen of pure pilbara dingo , his DNA absolute pure ,
He arrived some 3 and a half years ago so tiny so sick so almost dead . Not much hope was there of his survival , his brother died prior to having a chance.
So we I nursed him set up an ICU in a bedroom, I moved in with him and made sure he didnt die .
However no matter how young they are , they still mature and then they are in their prime of dingo
Pilbara managed some how to get his collar off , I had no chance on putting a collar back on him , and you may well say ,” but you reared him ” I did indeed . One very loved boy ,
but now he is an adult he is in his prime and only the very foolish would think they are now able to do what they like ,pull push demand , no not I, I have the utmost respect for him, I ask I never take ,
Any way keep digressing, his nose , unable to treat wash or apply ointment.
Today I decided to tear up an old bath towel and have wrapped it around the section of gate I believe to be the problem area , I then grabbed two leads , one with a choker chain the other a red collar one that gives you control but not a danger to the dingo ( one hopes )
i sat for 2 hours talking and attempting to slip the chain over his head , no way he says , I had pellets in my pocket and started to bribe him , now he is getting suspicious, will he bite me , Yes … he will if he thinks for a minute I would take advantage of our friendship , I don’t want to put him in that situation , the need to defend or feel threatened .
So I sat , and talked and can you believe I managed to slip that choker over his head , now he is like a wild pony , jumping around yelling at me , I tell him to calm and indicate we are going for a walk ,
We go for a walk around the paddock, he walks I go with him , letting him have his lead , I stop I rub his back I give him hugs ( approved of ) then I show him rhe collar , oh right now he tells me I’m taking advantage of his compliance, no way I say , but we need to walk ,you need a collar .
I then put the collar over his muzzle , lol he now truly thinks I’ve gone to far , all good pilbara such a good boy , yayy got his collar on ,so then we go back to his pen , he is nice and calm , I have some control and I manage to spray his nose .
So there you go, I did succeed , good manners may be a heaven sent virtue, but patience is a gift from the gods, Pilbara and me are back on track no hurt feelings , no need to show aggression and no required macho crap . We work together .