Cleaning and shovelling pens is some mean feat when one uses a shoulder that one is informed not to use unfortunately priority is the comfort of dingoes occupying those pens that are first and foremost , nothing a few pain relief meds wont fix ( one being myself can hope )
full moon dingo walking
full moon dingo walking , is not something many should partake of. I took django for a 4k walk tonight , very difficult with one so strong now hyped up by full moon , returning home 7.30 I decided , well no,pindan decided he was walking, the moon had not risen, so it was very dark and cold and somewhat scary , I grabbed a torch and off we go, he is attempting to open the gate,and he is running on high adrenalin , he forgets I`m on the end of his lead ,the torch is throwing shadows , on the left of him is this huge shadow much like a large wolf , pindan ducks , not sure of this stranger , I turn the torch and now his shadow is in front and he keeps trying to grab the tail of this shadow dingo.
the moon is now facing us this great orange ball has made it like daylight , but its still scary.
pindan is incited and excited and his nocturnal hunting instincts are running high , more so for him , his mum being a wild born dingo so he hasnt been so manipulated and his nocturnal genes are working well , he is trying to catch little flying things and jumps high to catch , he sees little eyes in the grass and he has got to catch this, he thumps the ground , and digs furiously ,obviously expecting what ever is hidden will come running out , I hurry him along , its late and what are we doing walking the streets . He jumps he turns he is like an elastic band , Still forgetting I am not as agile as he and still I am attached to his lead .
curb side clean up is now his interest and he tries to carry as much as he can in his mouth , ive told him and others , Im not going to carry your stuff home,
we hit the highway , we have gone from brisk walk to fast walk , he has to stop and turn over every thing of interest , killing honky nuts is fun , sticking his nose in ants nests is not so fun , but the moon is bright and he can see every thing , cars are flying past at such a speed we think we may be blown off the road or worse, sucked under wheels , what the hell is the speed limit ?
now we figure we might do a slow trot , all good if you are in your 30s / 40s not so much fun when you are a good few years above that , but Pindan thinks this is a game, now he is on the run , me .. im scared, its dark in some areas , and cars are screaming past, some slow and that worries me , well come on its not that safe out there . .ive now gone from a slow jog to a trot , we covered 5 ks in a reasonably short time , happy to see the drive way , and hoping Pindan is now worn out , he has a second wind and starts racing round the house , he slids on his rump down the hall ,he is still learning to respect Bonnie , he constantly drops her down , tonight she yelled at him , he got such a shock he jumped back and bonked his head on the cupboard . not funny but lesson learned ,, for now .
Good Sunday morning , hot and muggy here , been up since 5 am , Django wanting his weetbix arana and Mirrhi wanting out , Jedda pacing ,old girl whining, haven’t been sure where to start , take Jedda out then Burra , then the girls then hit the pens another busy day .
Vet appointment for Bindi and Kirra
Vet appointment for Bindi and Kirra on Friday Kirra is now a resident of Crossroads, unfortunate circumstances have come to the fore making it difficult for her to return home , have no doubt she has been loved and is dearly loved . Kirra will attend vet with Bindi she will have complete vet check and second vaccination, we will then seek a beautiful home for her . She is 6 months old and a lovely girl ,as with all dingoes she will require an educated totally committed forever home understanding and patience . We however will be extremely vigilant in our screening of potential interest ,high fencing and constant interaction supervision, preferably no small children ,cats or dogs, one on one of total devotion . We seek this for all our dingoes ,big call but it’s our responsibility to get it right ,the dingo is the priority and he / she has to be the priority in your life as a valued member of the family ,treated with respect and appreciated for their uniqueness. Django is another who is deserving of his forever home particularly now while young and keen to embrace a quality of life he so rightly deserves, strong willed yet loving , enjoys walks enjoys human company ( those he accepts ) must be respected no cats no children ( he is very boisterous) a gentle but firm understanding patient person ,once bonded he will be a remarkable companion and friend ,he has high prey drive and must be supervised at all times ( no cowboys ) he is wild born has been abused and has overcome all adversity , now 15 months old ,he will adapt with the right genuine person . We don’t get any praise for our re home abilities , nor do we care for negative opinions, again our priority is the dingo ,the individual ,we are not desperate to rid ourselves of the responsibility, they are our responsibility and we take that responsibility seriously they deserve the best and we strive to get the best .we don’t compete on numbers that come or go ,we want quality homes not second rate might work homes, they have to be decidedly the best home ,based on the nature of the dingo he does not cope with human mistakes. How we work with potential re home is to ensure it is a smooth transition for all concerned. Friday we seek to get full medical opinion on Bindi’s ear problem if by extensive surgery will it be in her best interest will it resolve her ongoing ear problems or will this be on going through out her life . Old girl’s hips are not good , have not been able to determine her age but she has been here 3 years now , she too has had many procedures on her ears , she appears to be getting cataracts on her eyes so one assumes she was an elderly lady when we took her from death row in the pound , sad out come for our discarded dingoes but at least they have their dignity here .