I have been trying so hard for burra to accept nowra . it just isnt going to happen .
He as with the rest will do her considerable harm .
How the hell do people just throw these kids together ?
A guy who bred dingoes raved about how clever he was . paid big money for a dingo pup . his breeding dingoes had a litter . he drops the pup in with the litter for the male to kill it with in a second of it hitting the floor . well i guess thats dingo knowledge .
maybe i just value each individual life. Not one here will accept another . any wonder so many die . but its a failure many would not admit to
Interesting day every dingo here is aware of Joey in the bedroom
Interesting day every dingo here is aware of Joey in the bedroom , hmm yum mum , no way I say . Pindan scored 2 litres of milk off the cupboard, gorged himself , spilt a lot on the carpet stole another banana, then quickly regurgitated, oh the fun .
Just a quick thank you to Warren’s employer
Just a quick thank you to Warren’s employer for his donation for the dietary upkeep for the dingoes in our care. He is a dog lover from way back. Thanks Greg.
Just a few words of advice , it’s beautiful to see wild dingoes in the wild
Just a few words of advice , it’s beautiful to see wild dingoes in the wild , where they should be .
But it is absolute stupidity to disclose the location of these wild dingoes .
They are still regarded as vermin they have no protection , their dens are pilfered by the ignorant , and many would enjoy seeing the last dingo dead .
By all means post pictures and videos , there is nothing better than to see these animals in their natural enviroment , but the risk of disclosure on their location is as sure as a bullet to their head and just maybe we will not have the privilege of seeing wild dingoes in the near future
Dingo Diary
Well, thats the worming done for another month. 35 worm tablets, some took them with no problems, some had to be tempted, but they are all done.. Time to stock up on worm tablets again.
Dingo Diary
It has been a very hectic week , starting with last Tuesday, I had taken Burra over to the paddock where he happily played with his best and only friend, that being Bonnie , Burra doesn’t like dogs far less dingoes , but bonnie has a bit of both and he adores her , he also is very OCDHSS obsessive compulsive disorder with human select syndrome. In short he neither likes or trusts people .we came back and I took Pindan to the paddock, here he runs and jumps and laughs ,he then goes where every one goes same place to pee and poo ( so I can never figure how it’s claimed dingo pee is a deterrent, ) he’s squatting , deep in thought when bang ,he gets a honky nut dumped on his head, he just freezes ,he glares at me as another honky nut hits it’s mark right on his nose , this cut short his business, he runs around attempting to find the source of this attack , calms down goes back to his previous business ( doing poo ) again he gets hit , now he is not happy , we both look up at the same time as another well aimed honky nut hits him , there is a gum tree near the pen with an over hanging branch ,in the branch are 2 parrots both engrossed in dumping honky nuts , Pindan spat his dingo dummy and the birds took flight , he finished his business with a frown .We then came back ,he had his weet Bix and went to his crate , I then let Mirrhi and Arana out ,and for over an hour they trashed the house ran around squabbling with each other , having worn each other out they too had their breakfast and went back to crate. Jedda is in the bedroom , I open the door and tell her to stop messing around and get her butt off the bed I then proceed to the bathroom. Bonnie comes screaming down the hall just as I heard the guttural screaming and growling of 2 dingoes fighting , heart racing with pants around my knees I fly down the hall , Mirrhi had opened her crate as jedda came from the bedroom , have you been in this situation ? Bad enough with dogs , with the dingo there is no compromise, in a split second you attempt to assess ,attempt to find a safe way to separate, there is none . Bonnie trying to get between putting herself in danger , and me pulling bonnie away while trying desperately to get hold of one or the other , I managed to grab jedda by her collar and hold fast , but Mirrhi was beyond reason , I could not get her , ducking and diving with intent to finish what she had started , after what seemed many minutes I grabbed Mirrhi , held fast but she now had jedda in a vice like grip and was not letting go , I worked myself between and forced Mirrhi off Jedda. One doesn’t think in situations like this one just acts full of adrenalin, I stood like a scare crow , bent at the waist, jedda in the left Mirrhi on the right , me on an angle to stop eye contact between them , Mirrhi had lost any degree of calming . Still snarling , I then realised the bedroom door was open thanks to the powers that be , I then shuffled toward the door keeping arms stretched and still bent over , with one action I threw jedda and slammed the door , I then calmly frog marched Mirrhi back to her crate . From there I raced back and grabbed jedda , calming bonnie , and myself I lifted jedda into the car a raced to local vet, I don’t think vet was sure who to assess I didn’t realise I too had been bitten . I explained to vet the situation and the difficulty when treating dingoes , we managed to give jedda a injection to sedate her , after 2 hours of sitting on the floor it was obvious with adrenaline and stress jedda was not going to succumb to any thing, we muzzled her , while trying to assess her injuries , bites covered her neck and shoulders , and a 4 inch tear in her groin . Were she a dog she would have had surgery with a drain , however we decided we would put her on pain meds and antibiotics, the vet then dressed my hand , I later attended the doctor , received a lecture , and informed I have suspect broken bone in hand I too am on antibiotics , I refused an x-ray. Today a week later little worse for wear , both myself and jedda are doing OK. Sadly the line has been drawn between Mirrhi and jedda . Mirrhi was not much more than 5 weeks old when she arrived , both bonnie and jedda were her surrogate mum . I did consider not telling this story , because it was due to my few seconds of inattention , not clipping the crate . But now I feel perhaps this should be viewed as education .the dingo is not a aggressive animal , in his natural habitat he would avoid most confrontation due to survive instincts, I find the domestic bred dingo does not have these survival instincts, fight or flight , usually flight , to fight can be detrimental to survival . Animals that seemingly tolerate each other can change in a split second ,they are wild forced into domesticity caught between two worlds . Always respect and never become to complacent .