Brahmins on her purple blankie has been here close on 4 years she was 15 months old when she arrived. Jack is our big boy he has been here close to 5 years he was 7 months old to be destroyed at the pound . Karulundi thinks she is the prettiest kid on the block she now is 3. The ever handsome mulga 3 years he’s been here he was 15 months when he arrived now close to 4 . The Pilbara boy, hasn’t he come into his own wild born found in the wild. Pilbara keeps hurting his nose and constantly we have to stop infection .Caesar now close to 11 months old has severe hip dysphasia he has pain relief daily , lobo what a big boy he is now he too keeps damaging his nose so he has a purple nose, realise most here were pound dingoes all were to be destroyed , karulundi Brahmini Caesar lobo their families could not manage or in some incidences situations changed ,regardless all were abandoned .
jack got a bit cross
15 all wormed ,2 have had a triple dose of flea treatment . All had a good brush and comb , jack got a bit cross ,claims I pinched him with the comb , so not true , brahmani really enjoyed her de fur time .pilbara and Arana have fine hair so they are easy to brush. Lobo Pilbara burra all have sore noses so now they all have purple noses , genna’s face has become irritated again , damned if I can resolve this problem other than just make her comfortable ,all others are sorted for now , all appear happy . Always busy here