It has been a very hectic week , starting with last Tuesday, I had taken Burra over to the paddock where he happily played with his best and only friend, that being Bonnie , Burra doesn’t like dogs far less dingoes , but bonnie has a bit of both and he adores her , he also is very OCDHSS obsessive compulsive disorder with human select syndrome. In short he neither likes or trusts people .we came back and I took Pindan to the paddock, here he runs and jumps and laughs ,he then goes where every one goes same place to pee and poo ( so I can never figure how it’s claimed dingo pee is a deterrent, ) he’s squatting , deep in thought when bang ,he gets a honky nut dumped on his head, he just freezes ,he glares at me as another honky nut hits it’s mark right on his nose , this cut short his business, he runs around attempting to find the source of this attack , calms down goes back to his previous business ( doing poo ) again he gets hit , now he is not happy , we both look up at the same time as another well aimed honky nut hits him , there is a gum tree near the pen with an over hanging branch ,in the branch are 2 parrots both engrossed in dumping honky nuts , Pindan spat his dingo dummy and the birds took flight , he finished his business with a frown .We then came back ,he had his weet Bix and went to his crate , I then let Mirrhi and Arana out ,and for over an hour they trashed the house ran around squabbling with each other , having worn each other out they too had their breakfast and went back to crate. Jedda is in the bedroom , I open the door and tell her to stop messing around and get her butt off the bed I then proceed to the bathroom. Bonnie comes screaming down the hall just as I heard the guttural screaming and growling of 2 dingoes fighting , heart racing with pants around my knees I fly down the hall , Mirrhi had opened her crate as jedda came from the bedroom , have you been in this situation ? Bad enough with dogs , with the dingo there is no compromise, in a split second you attempt to assess ,attempt to find a safe way to separate, there is none . Bonnie trying to get between putting herself in danger , and me pulling bonnie away while trying desperately to get hold of one or the other , I managed to grab jedda by her collar and hold fast , but Mirrhi was beyond reason , I could not get her , ducking and diving with intent to finish what she had started , after what seemed many minutes I grabbed Mirrhi , held fast but she now had jedda in a vice like grip and was not letting go , I worked myself between and forced Mirrhi off Jedda. One doesn’t think in situations like this one just acts full of adrenalin, I stood like a scare crow , bent at the waist, jedda in the left Mirrhi on the right , me on an angle to stop eye contact between them , Mirrhi had lost any degree of calming . Still snarling , I then realised the bedroom door was open thanks to the powers that be , I then shuffled toward the door keeping arms stretched and still bent over , with one action I threw jedda and slammed the door , I then calmly frog marched Mirrhi back to her crate . From there I raced back and grabbed jedda , calming bonnie , and myself I lifted jedda into the car a raced to local vet, I don’t think vet was sure who to assess I didn’t realise I too had been bitten . I explained to vet the situation and the difficulty when treating dingoes , we managed to give jedda a injection to sedate her , after 2 hours of sitting on the floor it was obvious with adrenaline and stress jedda was not going to succumb to any thing, we muzzled her , while trying to assess her injuries , bites covered her neck and shoulders , and a 4 inch tear in her groin . Were she a dog she would have had surgery with a drain , however we decided we would put her on pain meds and antibiotics, the vet then dressed my hand , I later attended the doctor , received a lecture , and informed I have suspect broken bone in hand I too am on antibiotics , I refused an x-ray. Today a week later little worse for wear , both myself and jedda are doing OK. Sadly the line has been drawn between Mirrhi and jedda . Mirrhi was not much more than 5 weeks old when she arrived , both bonnie and jedda were her surrogate mum . I did consider not telling this story , because it was due to my few seconds of inattention , not clipping the crate . But now I feel perhaps this should be viewed as education .the dingo is not a aggressive animal , in his natural habitat he would avoid most confrontation due to survive instincts, I find the domestic bred dingo does not have these survival instincts, fight or flight , usually flight , to fight can be detrimental to survival . Animals that seemingly tolerate each other can change in a split second ,they are wild forced into domesticity caught between two worlds . Always respect and never become to complacent .
Crossroads Dingo Rescue
Cleaning and shovelling pens is some mean feat when one uses a shoulder that one is informed not to use unfortunately priority is the comfort of dingoes occupying those pens that are first and foremost , nothing a few pain relief meds wont fix ( one being myself can hope )
a full on few days
It’s been a full on few days , took Pindan for a walk last night and this water board truck pulls up next to us and the guy says ” that’s a very handsome dingo ” and of course Pindan was very enthused by this compliment giving his best smile , then he sits puts his paw over his face wipes his eyes and looks up as if to say ” yeah I just noz Iz a handsome dingo ” brought a smile to the mans face . We haven’t made a big fuss about Pindan and his heritage his breeder and supplier ( as yet ) but he was flown down from Derby being an in mate of shire pound . He has been with us for over 6 weeks now, he is now 9 months old , we sterilised him within a week of arriving due to his very high sexual drive , which causes concern due to the fact that 2 brothers were sent ( Pindan being one of them ) to remote area one would be concerned re the breeding with feral dogs .also the fact both dingo pups were sent to uneducated people . Burra gave me a bit of a scare this morning teaches me not to become to complacent , I have been putting Burra in the exercise yard , by no means dingo proof , but he has been happy to hang out with bonnie who is his very best friend , today I left them in the yard thinking Burra has no interest in climbing or digging , I was out the back when feral ( Jedda ) stands to attention and who is trotting up the veranda seemingly somewhat stressed by his own escape yep our Burra he even ran past the cat straight to the back door , have to say I was in a state of panic and then amazement , he is such a truly timid boy very very fearful yet he beat his own fear to get back to the house , he could have so easily bolted , so lesson learned for me but real proud of our boy , one that had been so mis treated and scared of his own shadow now feels very much at home enough to ensure he doesn’t run , not that I would put that to the test again . Arana has been here 2 years little wild born girl from the Kimberly ,I was sure when she arrived via flight that she was 6 – 8 weeks old ,I realise now she may well have been over 3 months old ,being so small was deceptive , she has been very elusive very timid not stopping for a pat rebuking any attempt at physical interaction , and now 2 years later she decides she loves her mum coming for hugs and wanting attention , just like that, she flicks a switch , absolute little sweetie she is , but of course she remains painfully timid of any thing and every thing. I notice of late she is starting to tell Mirrhi off , things are changing Mirrhi is no longer permitted to get away with her bossiness , other than that, just busy walking dingoes cleaning pens. All dingoes here are rescue dingoes , many could have been re home ,sadly for many it may be too late .but too. one has to accept there are other forces at work that prevent homes being offered for our dingoes at Crossroads .
full moon dingo walking
full moon dingo walking , is not something many should partake of. I took django for a 4k walk tonight , very difficult with one so strong now hyped up by full moon , returning home 7.30 I decided , well no,pindan decided he was walking, the moon had not risen, so it was very dark and cold and somewhat scary , I grabbed a torch and off we go, he is attempting to open the gate,and he is running on high adrenalin , he forgets I`m on the end of his lead ,the torch is throwing shadows , on the left of him is this huge shadow much like a large wolf , pindan ducks , not sure of this stranger , I turn the torch and now his shadow is in front and he keeps trying to grab the tail of this shadow dingo.
the moon is now facing us this great orange ball has made it like daylight , but its still scary.
pindan is incited and excited and his nocturnal hunting instincts are running high , more so for him , his mum being a wild born dingo so he hasnt been so manipulated and his nocturnal genes are working well , he is trying to catch little flying things and jumps high to catch , he sees little eyes in the grass and he has got to catch this, he thumps the ground , and digs furiously ,obviously expecting what ever is hidden will come running out , I hurry him along , its late and what are we doing walking the streets . He jumps he turns he is like an elastic band , Still forgetting I am not as agile as he and still I am attached to his lead .
curb side clean up is now his interest and he tries to carry as much as he can in his mouth , ive told him and others , Im not going to carry your stuff home,
we hit the highway , we have gone from brisk walk to fast walk , he has to stop and turn over every thing of interest , killing honky nuts is fun , sticking his nose in ants nests is not so fun , but the moon is bright and he can see every thing , cars are flying past at such a speed we think we may be blown off the road or worse, sucked under wheels , what the hell is the speed limit ?
now we figure we might do a slow trot , all good if you are in your 30s / 40s not so much fun when you are a good few years above that , but Pindan thinks this is a game, now he is on the run , me .. im scared, its dark in some areas , and cars are screaming past, some slow and that worries me , well come on its not that safe out there . .ive now gone from a slow jog to a trot , we covered 5 ks in a reasonably short time , happy to see the drive way , and hoping Pindan is now worn out , he has a second wind and starts racing round the house , he slids on his rump down the hall ,he is still learning to respect Bonnie , he constantly drops her down , tonight she yelled at him , he got such a shock he jumped back and bonked his head on the cupboard . not funny but lesson learned ,, for now .
I do get a bit cross with these kids
I do get a bit cross with these kids ( dingoes) those inside sometimes test the most tolerant and patient of any saint ( being myself ) so our Pindan whilst an amazing loveable kid ,funny and with a crazy sense of humour , he does push me to distraction, well the combination of him Mirrhi ,Arana ,burra and feral not to forget bonnie oh and the old girl all who reside in house , but Pini as he likes to be called , is by far the delinquent. Today as with most days the vocabulary in this house consists of , no , no , get down , don’t do that , ya can’t chew that , don’t open the cupboard , get off the sink ,get out of the sink , leave the pantry door closed stop ,trying to kill the cat , don’t climb that cupboard , oh for gods sake will ya listen to me ? All day every day , today I did my block and yelled at Pindan ( he knows he’s in strife when called by full name . Ears lay to the side , gets a forlorn look on his face , and I’m pointing my finger at him , shaking my finger in front of his nose telling him enough is enough and while I shake my finger his head is going up and down in time he then grabs my finger and starts sucking on it , looking cross eyed at me , thinking in his sweet dingo head that this is a great game ,oh there you go absolutely no point in telling them “no”it’s dingo way or no way and ya can’t change the dingo in the dingo . So he gets a hug and goes about climbing and jumping teasing the girls ,grabbing the cats paw under the door , demanding weetbix, demolishing 3 litres of milk left on cupboard swimming in the water dish and me running around with a mop and bucket still yelling Noooo . Of course if you would like to give our pini a good home and you have the patience and tolerance of a saint , he really is a love bear ( oops dingo ) young and really a good boy ( umm well he is if you understand dingo behaviour ) but you can’t growl at him cos he gets hurt feelings and you have to hug him lots , he loves his hugs . Don’t point your finger cos that’s to suck on .