Attended vet yesterday with Pindan and arana , we had hoped to take Pilbara as well , unfortunately Pilbara is very anxious and very fearful of change ,to remove him from his familiar safe environment creates such panic ,which in turn will result in very negative our come with his health and mental stability .Arana and Pilbara are wild born dingoes . Very different to domestic bred dingoes ,and our wild born do suffer greatly with stress and fear , however We crated arana and covered her crate but it doesn’t stop her high anxiety levels , we carried the crate into vet in an attempt to ease her distress , she is a little girl very typical of our Kimberly dingo weighing in at just over 12 kilos petite and almost fragile . So timid it is palpable .as is normal for our wild born dingo when under duress she lost control of body functions . She was quickly sedated so vet work could be carried out . It’s also very important when giving sedation to monitor very closely as their high stress levels pump up the adrenaline which counteracts the sedation , so keeping them calm and secure is of the utmost importance .also important to lower the dosage of sedation as they can easily go into shock so it is a very fine line when working with wild dingoes . Regardless of being hand reared they retain their wild . Once Arana was calm she was vaccinated and blood work was done general check and quickly put into security of her crate . Pindan now has an aversion to vets so his attitude is to snap and fight . Same applies we kept him calm albeit as stated domestic are not the same as wild so his attitude is to fight where arana is flight .pindan had hip x rays and blood work , he throws right hip , there is a slight change in right hip to left but not sufficient to cause him discomfort . Caesar has chronic hip dysphasia . Of all the dingoes we have noted with hip dysphasia and other defects we also note are originating from one line .We express our concerns on the dingoes in rescues in America . When first aware of illegal exportation we were informed it was to keep the dingo from extinction ( legal or not ) however expression of concern was made clear and prediction of the out come , today those predictions have come to fruition and I fail to see how our Australian Dingo can be preserved whilst now being regarded as an exotic keepsake in a foreign country , with the possibility of cross breeding with wolves and coyotes .i fear there is no where safe for our Australian Dingo . There will always be exploitation ego arrogance .
I do get a bit cross with these kids
I do get a bit cross with these kids ( dingoes) those inside sometimes test the most tolerant and patient of any saint ( being myself ) so our Pindan whilst an amazing loveable kid ,funny and with a crazy sense of humour , he does push me to distraction, well the combination of him Mirrhi ,Arana ,burra and feral not to forget bonnie oh and the old girl all who reside in house , but Pini as he likes to be called , is by far the delinquent. Today as with most days the vocabulary in this house consists of , no , no , get down , don’t do that , ya can’t chew that , don’t open the cupboard , get off the sink ,get out of the sink , leave the pantry door closed stop ,trying to kill the cat , don’t climb that cupboard , oh for gods sake will ya listen to me ? All day every day , today I did my block and yelled at Pindan ( he knows he’s in strife when called by full name . Ears lay to the side , gets a forlorn look on his face , and I’m pointing my finger at him , shaking my finger in front of his nose telling him enough is enough and while I shake my finger his head is going up and down in time he then grabs my finger and starts sucking on it , looking cross eyed at me , thinking in his sweet dingo head that this is a great game ,oh there you go absolutely no point in telling them “no”it’s dingo way or no way and ya can’t change the dingo in the dingo . So he gets a hug and goes about climbing and jumping teasing the girls ,grabbing the cats paw under the door , demanding weetbix, demolishing 3 litres of milk left on cupboard swimming in the water dish and me running around with a mop and bucket still yelling Noooo . Of course if you would like to give our pini a good home and you have the patience and tolerance of a saint , he really is a love bear ( oops dingo ) young and really a good boy ( umm well he is if you understand dingo behaviour ) but you can’t growl at him cos he gets hurt feelings and you have to hug him lots , he loves his hugs . Don’t point your finger cos that’s to suck on .
Caesar and Arana
Caesar and Arana have been getting on so well . Something to be said re friends to the end now no longer friends . Push became shove shove became bite became very angry , took some time to calm caeser down he became extremely upset with arana. Guess that was short lived , however I walked him to the paddock today and noticed how badly he throws his left back leg, throws it across to the right and appears to flick the toes almost like a drag his left leg quivers and also appears unsteady , I suspect he has hip problems and have noted this in others bred by specific breeders , obviously will need to have this checked, kiah is another we rescued and he was placed in wildlife park , doing extremely well , but he was found to have serious hip disease noted as genetic . Point being our dingoes are being bred with major medical issues not found in wild dingoes .
confrontation with Miss Mirrhi
Have just had a small confrontation with Miss Mirrhi , big sigh , she was happily creating mischief and attempting to intimidate Arana, so I tell her “stop this nonsense”, and she growls at me , I then tell her ” ok enough how about you go in time out , not putting up with your attitude ” oh yeah I had a quiet rant and she persisted with her retaliation, I go under her chin and grab her collar , yep she spat the dummy actually screamed at me ” don’tz touch me dontz tell me nuffing , “oh girl now you are really pushing the boundaries , so I sit down and tell her I respect her and she needs to respect me , grumbling and bitching she went back to her crate literally slammed the door herself and now she is sooking , Arana of course is trotting back and forth laughing at her , think she too requires a talking to
Good Sunday morning , hot and muggy here , been up since 5 am , Django wanting his weetbix arana and Mirrhi wanting out , Jedda pacing ,old girl whining, haven’t been sure where to start , take Jedda out then Burra , then the girls then hit the pens another busy day .
Mirrhi is very bossy
Mirrhi is very bossy , constantly growling at me like she thinks she’s mum , tells me to not touch Arana ,yep a bit of jealousy, but so damn head strong I’m thinking she is very spoilt, but she was snarling and growling when 5 weeks old , no I won’t argue with her refuse to be brought into a confrontation, and refuse to dominate her , I tell her we are equal no bosses here , constantly calming her , I believe she gets frustrated as well , Arana is absolutely so different , she can have a hissy fit at Mirrhi but then she is up high where Mirrhi can’t get her , but never would she growl at her mum . Hmm perhaps the difference between wild born and domestic bred , way more confident no survival instincts in Mirrhi , she has something to say she says it,if in the wild she would need to learn to keep her attitude under wraps , but then I say what I think ,maybe we are to much alike .