Shyla from 2012
I intend to do her story
And a video of her last day
May well bring home the down side of domestic breeding .
Crossroads Dingo Rescue
It is not advisable to get between a dingo and his and her intended ( victim ) prey .
Mering and Maliki spotted a young bob tail goanna out side the exercise yard.
Frantically they start digging ,( something else I need to fix .
If not supervised they can dig under the wire )
With foolish ( perhaps) attempts by me to prevent, them digging out and too, to save one young bob tail.
They went from mums kids to precisely what they are .
Efficient predators,
I was no longer their friend I was an intruder interfering with their natural prey drive
so a lesson learned today
Having managed to refocus their interest and to retrieve both, I wear the damage one bob tail may have had to endue .
One badly clawed and bitten arm .
Oh well, saved the bob tail .
While many claim the dingo is a great pet ( whilst also claiming he is an apex predator )
Complacency and ignorance
May prove to be the down fall for that pet dingo .
First and foremost he is a predator .
He is hard wired to be a predator.
Domestic breeding may well suppress his urges , but they will eventually and unexpectedly come to the fore .
Mering and Malki are wild born hybrids
He looks more dingo with strong dingo traits
She is dog like in appearance ,yet is strong and high in dingo. ( more so than mering )
Both remain extremely elusive with people , untrusting and wary.
Maliki will not approach and I can spend over a hour attempting to reassure her.
Treats seldom tempt them
(Believe me patience is a heaven sent virtue )
Small progress is made.
I constantly tell them how good they are .
Never a negative reaction always positive regardless of being pushed to human limitations .
2 hours and you have a sweat up, stressed and wonder if you will ever get this kid . It’s dark and cold
Eventually you manage to get hold and then you tell them what good kids they are ..
If you show any animosity or anger you will loose .
Never will he trust you.
Mainly an issue with men due to some men taking their reclusive timidness as personal .( many have a natural distrust of men )
It’s not personal it’s survival.
They are dingo they are wild.
Yet as we like to think we are superior, and wild animals must therefore abide by our demand.
For centuries the dingo was independent, surviving with out interference or human assistance .
dingo sees and understands how inferior we really are.
don’t doubt our dingo is far more superior.
Crossroads Dingo Rescue
Luvs ma mum
Crossroads Dingo Rescue
Mering has to be sitting on me close or wrapped around me .
Not much room does he leave .
Crossroads Dingo Rescue
Bandicoots, the back verandah has become a highway for bandicoots
They are running across the brick paving hiding in the laundry ,and yep the verandah is a freeway for these wee Aussie critters
I can not imagine why so many are here.
It appears they have taken up residence.
Heather Warner
Can you tell me what the difference in why most often after
A wee Digger scrapes the dirt but sometimes seems a special wee as he uses his nose to try to cover wee????????