Nowra’s exciting Saturday morning escape
Whoo hoo , iz free iz free, silly Hooman lefts the door open
Iz been running in exercise yard , ands I comes back, and dad cleanings outz amaya crate and amaya is cwazzy
I iz sharpin my claws on dah table , and dad forgets about me , silly dad
The door. Hmm itz , open, yayy
I goin , iz goin iz gone
Iz runnin, anz runnin anz laughin
Iz goes and sees all dar ova kids and thems yellin at me , they cwazzy
Pindan swore and Bunjil gots very angry
Silly Hooman dad wants catch me , he funny
Iz gona see every ones
Ans iz runs in the gate and oh my gosh , more kids likes me ,
I finks iz bits scared
Oops iz, stuck, Ceasar swearin, ans oh my gosh iz in trouble
Whers ma Hooman
My dad comin oh fanks , I iz saved, dad halps me and iz soo hapsy
Oh noo somping gots me , halllppp oh Lordy pilbara gots ma tail , he gona eats me
Iz gona sleep now iz been so scared iz nots gona runs away , where’s ma mum iz wans ma mum
Needless to say us Hoomans near on had heart attacks .