Been doing a lot of back filling today
Thanks Pindan Jack and karulyndi
Not as fit as I once was , bloody slabs weigh a ton
Crossroads Dingo Rescue
Help yourself ?
Crossroads Dingo Rescue
Crossroads Dingo Rescue
Perhaps the following will not be appreciated by all
Perhaps many will again vilify me for my opinion
Perhaps it might be time for breeders to take accountability
Perhaps it is well over due for a permit system with strong education
Perhaps these dingo breeders should hang their head in shame
We are on call 24/ 7 . we assist where possible , giving advise in attempting to resolve the difficulties people face when choosing to co exist with a dingo .
Some of these calls can have many emotional reactions for myself , from anger due to the ignorance and apathy wanting a dingo due to status ego fashion , to sympathy due to well meaning folk walking into unknown territory uninformed and unprepared for possible mishaps associated with living with our apex predator .
Do not forget he is our apex predator
My problem is I can not . not carry the emotional distress , I can not stop the emotional tide.
Today is no different , today I was asked to assist with a young dingo ( 18 months old ) very much loved, very much adored, very much a family member .
The breeder I am well aware of . he who breeds yearly with no concern , no integrity , takes no responsibility.
Refuses accountability
We have 2 of his dingoes here .
But he is just one of many who breed because he can, as yet he has no knowledge of our dingo, he has not( as with many) ever understood our dingo
.respect comes with understanding and knowledge , respect he does not have knowledge he has less of .
Why do I feel the pain of a decission to euthanise an animal .
An animal that has acted due to instinct
An animal not designed for domesticity, yet forced into total dependancy on a human family
An animal bonded with her family and can not be rehomed .
An animal acting on instinct not yet removed from her wild DNA .
A hair breath is all that can change a dingo from the most adoring loving animal to what nature intended . Our Apex predator
Having lived with her cat , and then without rhyme nor human understanding she is now in her predator mind set , in the blink of an eye the tide has turned .
And now today she must pay the ultimate price
I hear the emtional upheaval in the conversation , I hear the heart ache I hear and understand the pain , I also hear the love for this dingo, and I am shattered , to many times I hear this heart felt pain , the dingo bought as a pet is now a dingo.
The prey drive remains strong within our apex predator , domestc bred , manipulated as fodder for domestic markets , he still retains his hard wired survival instincts he retains his wild, suppressed it may be, temporary.
He remains a dingo .not a dog not a pet, once independant now reduced to pet status , and the price for our dingo is ulimately a death sentence .
My deepest condolances to the caller this morning .
Crossroads Dingo Rescue
Crossroads Dingo Rescue
This wonderful article by WA Animals.×683.jpg&cfs=1&sx=341&sy=0&sw=683&sh=683&_nc_hash=AQAEWCXY9oYp0XVO